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  • Elephants herd Largest animals commonly found in national parks and game reserves in Kenya and Tanzania
  • Cheetah Fastest known animal in the world, commonly found in Kenya and Tanzania
  • Lions The King of the jungle
  • Rhino The massive powerful herbivorous odd-toed ungulate, with very thick skin and one or two horns on the snout
  • Zebras A beautiful equine with black-and-white striped coat and an erect mane
  • Giraffes The tallest living terrestrial quadrupeds, a large ruminant mammal with a very long neck and forelegs
  • Buffaloes A large wild animal, having a large head and shoulders covered in hair, with horns that point to the back
  • Wildebeest The phenomenal 8th wonder of the world, the wildebeest migration, can be spotted in East Africa.

bird watching kenyaDay 1: Nairobi-Lake Elementaita
Pick up from your hotel and drive to this treasure and paradise at the heart of the Great Rift Valley arriving in the mid morning. Proceed for a bird walk to try and identify available bird species like the avocet, klaas’ cuckoo, feral lovebird, Glossy ibis, black heron, red billed teal among others. Dinner and overnight stay at the lodge/camp 

Day 2: Lake Elementaita-Lake Naivasha
After breakfast depart from Elementaita for a scenic drive through the great north road to Lake Naivasha arriving by mid –morning for a bird walk before time for lunch. Lake Naivasha is a bird sanctuary over 450 bird species have been recorded here. Birds of this region include black crakes, fish eagles, herons, ospreys and lily-trotters. Dinner and overnight stay at the lodge/camp

Day 3: Lake Naivasha-Hell’s gate National park
After breakfast, proceed for a bird walk viewing birds on the lake shores. After lunch proceed for afternoon visit to hells gate National park, which is a breeding ground for vultures in Kenya which include lammergeyer vultures, other species are imperial eagle, schalows wheatear and chin spot batis.Dinner and overnight stay at the camp/lodge.

Day 4: Hells Gate National park-lake Nakuru
After breakfast depart for Lake Nakuru famous for its millions of Flamingos that cover the lake with pink shine. Have a chance to see some of the common bird species like the lesser and greater flamingoes, African fish eagle, tawny eagle, green wood hoopoes, great white and pink backed pelicans. Dinner and overnight stay at the lodge/hotel

Day 5: Lake Nakuru-Lake Baringo
After breakfast, depart Lake Nakuru and drive further North to Lake Baringo, mid-morning for a bird walk. Lake Baringo is a fresh water lake and it has its own share of bird life species like the white faced scopes owl, brimstone canary, Bristol crowned starling, goliath heron, little weaver, Jacksons and Hemp Rich’s Hornbill. This amazing environment draws birdwatchers from all over the world, eager to catch a glimpse of this special reality. A few years ago a record was set when an ornithologist saw over 300 bird species here in 24 hours. The species include shikra, African darter, African skimmer, Marabou storks, African fish eagles, paradise flycatchers and pale and dark phase Gabar goshawks.

Day 6: Lake Baringo-Bogoria-Nairobi
After breakfasts depart Lake Baringo, pass by Bogoria famous for hot springs and geysers and it’s also a fascinating area for birdwatchers. Leave Bogoria arriving Nairobi late in the afternoon.